From the Cinema Studies Group– please show some love!

Dear all,

Please sign up for the Cinema Studies Group (CSG). We need your support in order to be active during Spring 2015.

Thank you!

Detailed instruction on signing rosters:

1. Log in to the DSC website (—note: you will need to register
with the site if you are not already a member)

2. Click the tab on the left labeled “Chartered Org Rosters”

3. Click on the name of the organization you are interested in joining
(Cinema Studies Group… and any others!)

4. Click the link that says “JOIN THIS ORGANIZATION”

Thank you!

5. Fill in your name. Phone number is optional. Your reason can be anything, even something as simple as “I support Cinema Studies.”

* I know most of you are busy… there is no need to do anything else. Just sign up and show your support!!!

Mil gracias,

Thank you!!!

-Magdalena (Sagardía)